Step 2 of 3: How Your Church Can Get Involved

You may be several years away from planting a daughter church, however, there are steps you can take immediately to "prime the pump" for church planting, and to create a church-planting awareness in your congregation.  If the long-range goal is for your church to become a church-planting-church, here are some "baby steps" that will move you toward that end-goal.


1. Pray

Pray for leaders, for a passion, for resources, for existing church plants.

Join our prayer team

2. Use Sending-Church Language

Start referring to yourself as a sending church and a church-planting-church. This will help prepare your people and shift your DNA.

3. Adopt a Church

Partner with a church planting team as a missionary project.

View our church planters

4. Support C2C Financially

Every dollar counts and is used to assess, coach, train, and support church planting nationally.

Give to C2C

5. Plant a New Church or a Multi-site

We exist to help you through the entire process. 

6. Become a Sending Church for a Church Plant

Best practices of a sending church