We would like to help you and your denomination discern what God is saying. We do this through a series of interviews, online testing, prayer and formal assessment. Do you have the character and skills to plant? What gaps may exist in your experience? What is your understanding of, and motivation for, church planting? As God directs you, the leaders around you, and your denomination, they may invite you to participate in a Formal Church Planter's Assessment Centre.

Step 1:

Discerning the Call

Our network is built on a solid trust and dependence upon the Spirit of God. We pray for workers, for finances, and for the appropriate locations and strategies. God is answering those prayers!

The Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas for a specific mission (Acts 13:1-4). The local church and its leaders fasted and prayed for discernment before laying hands on them and sending them to plant churches. We serve the church planting couple or individual and their denomination to discern the Spirit’s calling. C2C serves in a shepherding role as we help discern one of the most important decisions a leader will make.

If you would like to discern your call to plant a church, take the self-evaluation below.

Am I a Church Planter?

A Self-Evaluation

Every person that considers church planting asks the question, ‘Am I a Church Planter?’ The following self-evaluative checklist is a tool to help you discern and is not an absolute test. You will not score 100% on each question. That is what the gospel provides and why we need it. This tool is based on research and can assist you to answer the question. Answer the questions based on your past experiences and not according to your idealistic self. You might also ask others about their view of you. 


Spiritual Life

  • Am I joyfully walking with Christ as my Saviour and as the Lord of my life?
  • Am I a person who pursues my faith through faithful times in His Word, prayer, confession and repentance of sin, committing to a local church, and serving sacrificially?
  • Am I trustworthy and responsible to follow through with promises, responsibilities, and commitments?
  • Am I qualified to meet the Biblical requirements for an elder or pastor?

Visional Life

  • Am I called to plant a church and do I have the confirmation of others?
  • Am I passionately sharing the good news of Jesus’ redemption with others?
  • Am I awakening a passion in others to share their faith?

Teaching Life

  • Am I adaptable in my plans and can I adjust to reach goals?
  • Am I a pursuing knowledge and skills for personal growth and greater effectiveness?
  • Am I an engaging preacher and teacher who is able to express gospel truth clearly and winsomely?
  • Am I able to help people to grow in their understanding of the Bible and its application in their lives?

Relational Life

  • Am I growing in a healthy marriage (if applicable) and is my spouse commited to this vision?
  • Am I able to work through difficulties in relationships and address adverse circumstances in a healthy manner?
  • Am I expressing the gospel in my relationships by demonstrating grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, and truth telling?

Executive Life

  • Am I able to lead others to express their gifts in ministry?
  • Am I able to manage conflict and misunderstandings?
  • Am I an action-oriented person who perseveres in order to advance the mission?

Ministry Life

  • Am I experienced enough in church ministry to understand how the local church operates and how to motivate and develop leaders and volunteers?
  • Am I in good standing and relationship with my home church and denomination?
  • Am I able to produce fruit in ministry where the gospel transforms the lives of others?
  • Am I able to start new things that lead to effective creation?

Step 2:

How C2C Helps

C2C works with sending churches and denominational leaders to discern and equip planters with the following practices. Note that one of your first steps should be to contact your denomination.

While it is true that we seek to be led by the Spirit of God, we also believe that God gives us wisdom in creating best practices that help enable effective church planting. We have developed best practices that cluster within the acrostic ACTS:


C2C helps planters and their denomination to discern their calling and vision to plant a church. After multiple interviews, we invite potential planters to an assessment centre. We measure the candidate’s readiness to plant.


Every church planter has access to a gospel coach to meet monthly to shepherd and equip in personal, spiritual, relational, and missional aspects of their lives.


C2C strives to provide the best training opportunities for preparation to plant and ongoing training throughout the crucial first few years of planting.


C2C seeks to ensure that every new church has adequate financial systems and sustainability. We also work with your denomination and sending church to provide a temporary external leadership team to give oversight, accountability, and counsel before establishing an internal governance.


Step 3:

Contact Us

If you feel called to church planting or would like more information on discerning the call, please contact us at info@c2ccollective.com or fill-out the form below: