How We Pray for Church Planting and Planters
We are told in Luke 10:2 to “pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest.” While we have a role to play in mobilizing and supporting church planters, we don’t find them or build them. Simply put, our work is to pray them out into the harvest God has prepared.
Ministry is hard, and many of the ways we need to pray for planters also applies to established church pastors.
Pray against discouragement and loneliness
Pray for a passion for time with Jesus and for His Word
Pray for a desire to pray
Pray for the presence and work of the Holy Spirit
Pray for a clear and sustained call
Pray against wolves that might come in and ravage the church, or the pastor’s family
Pray for discernment to identify good leaders and volunteers, and to rightly identify wolves
Pray for the pastor’s wife
Pray for their marriage
Pray for their kids
Pray for good people to come around the pastor who are godly and wise
Pray for wholesome, deep friendships
Pray the pastor will be able to resist sin and pray against moral failure and pride
Pray that identity will be in their relationship with Jesus and not in attendance, or finances, or church reputation, or anything that isn’t Jesus
Pray against doing things in their own strength
Pray against busyness
Pray against living under works righteousness while proclaiming grace
Pray the people of God would be a blessing in their community
Pray for revival and revitalization in Canadian churches
Pray for God to raise up church planters and pastors across Canada
Pray for the lost in Canada to come to Jesus
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way in our day
Pray for resources necessary for Kingdom advancement in Canada
Pray for an unprecedented spirit of cooperation among the evangelical denominations in Canada