Prayer Ministry to Pastor’s Wives

Nine ways how you can pray for a Pastor’s wife:

  1. Pray that they would prioritize their friendship with Jesus above all things (above Family, Church, Work). Praying that they would grow both in love and knowledge of Jesus and His Word.

  2. Pray that they would have a gospel rooted identity. Pray that they would find their identity in relationship to God, rather than a role or performance, growing in a deep understanding of Jesus as their only form of righteousness.

  3. Pray that God would guard their hearts against bitterness and resentment. Pray that they would allow the Word of God to bring wise counsel to their hurting hearts.

  4. Pray that they would have a sincere love for the Church as Christ loves the Church despite the glaring imperfections. Pray that their sincere love for the Church would have a great impact on both their own family and those around them.

  5. Pray that God would provide godly friendships and encouragers within their own Church. Ministry can be lonely and discouraging. Pastor’s wives need other women who point them to Jesus and who encourage them in every season of a changing Church life.

  6. Pray for a spirit of endurance and perseverance in ministry especially in the face of difficulty and hardship. Pray that they would drink deeply at the well of relationship with Jesus and His Spirit.

  7. Pray that God would clothe Pastor’s wives with a Spirit of Joy in ministry. That not only would they love Jesus and His Church, but that they would find Joy in what God has called them to.

  8. Pray for their marriages. Pray that they would find deep friendship within their marriage. Pray that men would live from Ephesians 5 in loving and serving their wives. Likewise, pray that their wives would be their biggest forms of support and encouragement.  Pray also for unity in their calling to ministry as a couple. That they would serve God hand in hand with Joy.

  9. Pray for their families. Relationships with parents and in-laws are important, and if the couple have children, pray for the children’s relationship with Jesus, for protection from the influence of the world, and against a spirit of bitterness towards the church.


How We Pray for Church Planting and Planters