You believe that God may be calling you to start a new church... We've been praying for you!

We would like to help you and your denomination discern what God is saying. We do this through a series of interviews, online testing, prayer and formal assessment. Do you have the character and skills to plant? What gaps may exist in your experience? What is your understanding of, and motivation for, church planting? As God directs you, the leaders around you, and your denomination, they may invite you to participate in a Formal Church Planter's Assessment Centre.

Step 1 of 3: Discerning the Call


Our network is built on a solid trust and dependence upon the Spirit of God. We pray for workers, for finances, and for the appropriate locations and strategies. God is answering those prayers!

The Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas for a specific mission (Acts 13:1-4). The local church and its leaders fasted and prayed for discernment before laying hands on them and sending them to plant churches. We serve the church planting couple or individual and their denomination to discern the Spirit’s calling. C2C serves in a shepherding role as we help discern one of the most important decisions a leader will make.

If you would like to discern your call to plant a church, take the self-evaluation below.